


鼓励年轻人在文学学士(B)的帮助下做到最好.A.在Mount Union大学获得中期儿童教育学位. 我们的教育学院通过了认证 教育工作者准备资格认证委员会, (CAEP),这意味着你将通过一系列专业课程获得深入的知识.

我们的教师带来多年的经验,关心你的成功. 他们将为你在获得学位后领导自己的课堂做准备. Unique experiences will allow you to learn from experts in the field and receive in depth understanding on how the education system works.



The middle childhood education major at Mount Union combines important principles of instruction with real-world experiences through student-teaching opportunities like the 导航器程序 at Alliance Middle School.

Grow your teaching portfolio while making connections at conferences or at our yearly SCHOLAR Day when you present independent or group research. Immersive experiences like these will increase your confidence empowering you to become the leader children need to succeed.



  • 34 中期儿童教育学位课程的学时
  • 32 全面的综合核心(IC)学分
  • 在芝加哥等城市的经历.
  • 满足 像你这样有抱负的教育者通过学生组织.



Devote time to your future as an educator inspiring childrens’ lives with the Bachelor of 艺术 degree in middle childhood education from Mount Union. The exceptional student-teaching experiences and meaningful connections you will gain will prepare you to make a difference.

  • 课程


    作为威尼斯人app下载儿童教育专业的一名学生, 你将从对教学职业的介绍开始. 同时完成中少儿教育专业要求, 你将获得知识和理解在内容领域的素养, 看字读音, 评估和多元文化教育,以及两个您选择的专业. You also will be required to participate in a pre-clinical and clinical practice as part of our CAEP accredited 教师教育计划 in order to better prepare you for a rewarding career in the field of education. 

    在联合山, a middle childhood education degree with the completion of additional coursework leads to a teaching license for grades four through nine in two areas of concentration. We also offer additional coursework to add an endorsement for grades four through six in the other two areas of concentration.  


    • Candidates will demonstrate understanding of the subject matter areas and create meaningful learning experiences based on this knowledge.
    • 考生将表现出对每个学生认知能力的理解, 社会, 物理, 情感发展,创造学习机会,支持学生的学业发展.
    • Candidates will demonstrate the ability to recognize and value student diversity and the differences in how students learn and provide instruction to accommodate such diversity.
    • 候选人将展示根据学生需求制定教学计划的能力, 课程目标与模式, 主题和社区.
    • Candidates will demonstrate pedagogical knowledge and skills and use this expertise to encourage each student to develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
    • Candidates will demonstrate the ability to create a classroom environment that facilitates learning and a climate that encourages fairness, 积极的社会互动, 主动学习, 和自我激励.
    • 候选人将展示有效的语言表达, 非语言的, 写, 技术, 和媒体沟通技巧,以支持和加强学生的学习.
    • Candidates will demonstrate an understanding of the role of assessment and the use of formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate student learning.
    • Candidates will demonstrate the skills necessary for self-reflection and use this knowledge to analyze past experiences and pursue professional development opportunities.
    • 候选人将展示与学生合作的能力, 候选人, 父母, 社区成员, 和专业的同事,以支持学生的学习和发展.
    • 候选人将表现出关怀的意识.

    查看我们的 大学目录 威尼斯人app下载.

  • 从实践经验中学习


    Students who choose to major in middle childhood education at the University Mount Union will have ample opportunities to observe and teach in classrooms within a variety of schools and educational settings. 你是否想成为一名教师, 教练, 指导顾问, 管理员或教授, Mount Union会让你快速找到一份成功的教育事业, 具备所有必要的技能, 知识与经验.


    场 experiences provide you with the opportunity to go out into classrooms and gain practical experience, 毕业后,中学教育事业成功的关键是什么. The Mount Union大学’s CAEP accredited 教师教育计划 候选人 gain more than 600 hours of experience in real classroom settings, 观察, 在他们毕业的时候协助和教学. 因为这些实地经验, you will have the opportunity to discover what does and does not work in a classroom setting as well as apply strategies learned in your courses and find out what will be your best practices. 

    参加联合城市学校 导航器程序 中学儿童教育专业的学生又有机会获得教师的实践经验了吗. 导航员项目是联盟中学的一个课后项目, 由威尼斯人app下载的教育专业学生作为带薪教师和/或志愿者积极参与.

    Mount Union的学生也可以利用我们的临床交流项目. Students can broaden their horizons by choosing a clinical placement through the Chicago Semester Program or at a Native American reservation school. 


    每年学生会组织一次春假旅行, 特别是儿童教育专业的学生有机会去查尔斯顿旅游, 作为中学实地体验/研讨班的一部分. 这次旅行为教师候选人提供了低收入的教学机会, 不同的中学一周.


    Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)是教育专业的国际荣誉. KDP成立于1911年,旨在促进卓越和表彰对教育的杰出贡献. KDP的成员是有价值的教育理想的典范, 表达继续从事教育工作的意愿,并展现领导能力.

    全国学生教育协会 (SNEA)是一个学生领导的组织在山联合校园, 专为教育专业的学生开放.

  • 职业生涯


    Join the growing field of teaching by pursuing a degree in middle childhood education from the Mount Union大学 and completing our CAEP-accredited 教师教育计划.

    由于越来越多的儿童和成人寻求教育机会,以及退休人数的增加, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that job opportunities in the education field will grow significantly in the years to come. 这种增长预计在小学(1-5年级)和中学(6-8年级)阶段会更大.

    作为联合山中学儿童教育专业的学生, 通过为四年级到九年级的教学做准备,你将能够满足这种日益增长的需求.  你将成为青少年发展方面的专家, 选择至少两个重点领域,可能包括语言艺术, 数学, 科学及社会研究. Our program also provides you with an opportunity to earn reading and middle school generalist endorsements.

    Mount Union's 教育学院 and 教师教育计划 is geared toward assisting 候选人 in obtaining a teaching appointment after graduation. A major or minor in education also provides students with an excellent foundation for careers in a number of fields outside of education.





